Visiting Dad

Friday, April 3, 2009

Daddy's been away from home a whole lot lately, and I haven't liked it a bit because when he has been home, he's been very tired. He's been gone till really late at night, and even gone ALL NIGHT too many times lately. To make matters worse, the weather has not been nice enough for me to play outside much at all. Yesterday was especially horrible because it rained, and I couldn't play outside at all.

Mom came home, and we messed around in the house some, but mostly shared popcorn. Then she got a phone call, and the next thing I knew, she was putting my harness on me. I knew that meant we were probably going for a walk or a bike ride, but it didn't. Instead, she opened the car door and latched me to my tether. We were going for a ride!!!

Mom stopped first at one place and left me in the car with the windows open. She came back really soon with some food. Then, instead of going back home, we went somewhere else, and I got all excited when I saw Daddy's truck. We went to the place he calls "work" and took him some supper. I wanted to explore, but I mostly stayed in his office and helped both of them eat their sandwiches from Subway. I LOVE Mom's sandwiches and thought about stealing it, but she didn't let me.

After we all ate, it was time to go home. I wanted to go home in Dad's truck, but Mom told me to get in the car. We had to leave Daddy at work, and that made me a little sad.

When we got home, I kept looking for him to come through the front door. After a while, I decided to just go to sleep while Mom was ironing. Just as I was drifting off, he came through the door, and I was awake again!

Mom and Dad told me this morning that today is Friday. I sure hope it is because I'm ready to spend some time with both Dad and Mom.


Erin said...

It's hard not to have both parents around all the time. My mom and dad often go to visit Dad's family on the weekends and they can't take me with them. I feel bad, but I also get excited when my grandparents come to visit and take care of me. I try to be extra good for them, but sometimes I can't contain myself. I hope you get to spend lots of time with your dad this weekend. I'm sure he misses you too!

Ruby Red Dog said...

I'm with you. I don't like it when my dad stays late at work either. Let me know if you figure out a way to keep him at home.

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