Wednesday's 'Splanations

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My Daddy was gone for TWO DAYS! I didn't know where he was. Mom didn't seem too worried, but I was really concerned about where he was. I didn't sleep or eat well while he was gone, and every time I tried to go poop, I kept looking throught the fence to see if his truck came home. When we would go for our bike rides, I would make sure Mom got us home around the time Daddy usually gets home from work, but he never came home.

He finally came home a long time after bedtime last night and brought me a new OU leash and bandana. He smelled like a lot of different things, and I was really glad he finally came home. He shouldn't leave us girls all alone like that. There are boogers that could get us or at least little, demon chihuahuas. Little dogs really are scary, especially demon chihuahuas. I let him know I missed him by loving and loving on him.

In other news, my Mom signed us up for Bark for the Cure on April 25'th. I get a bandana and get to see lots of other dogs. Mom has to go to that Race-thingy most years because of work. That's like the biggest thing that her station sponsors every year. They even preempt Saturday morning cartoons (not that anyone actually shows cartoons on Saturday morning cartoons anymore) for a two-hour live special. She's always wanted to take me, and now she can. That is, if I'm a good girl and stay tethered in the backseat of the car on the ride up there.

Only two days until our Gaston's trip. I have not been practicing wearing my vest, but I won't care once I get in the water. Mom and Dad better frontline me tonight, though. I don't want ticks.


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